RPA reinforces organizational efficiency by 86%

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Study reveals that RPA reinforces organizational efficiency by 86%

Do you want the burden of repetitive manual tasks to be taken off your shoulder?

Do you want to assess the combined power of technology, business acumen and constructive inputs?

Do you aim to trigger error-free responses throughout your business process management?

Despite what you may have heard about the Robotic Process Automation, here’s the real truth based on facts and figures stated by some industry leaders.

The success of any significant transformation and dynamism calls for engaged and fulfilled employees. Although organizations are now focused on deploying RPA to capture its apparent and authentic advantages, these firms acknowledge the need to keep employees at the topmost priority in these technological initiatives. Ultimately, ensuring employee satisfaction empowers organizations to maximize the transformative potential of RPA.

Are you someone who thinks that the repercussions of RPA solutions will replace the existence of human labor or even depreciate human touch that forms the base of services and product delivery?

So let me give you an insight into key findings that will address your concerns around Employee Experience and Operational Efficiency.

With an increase in potent consumer demand, comes overwhelming responsibility. Employees are the most vulnerable in such circumstances. This is the first set of workforce that caters to the customers demanding improved quality in terms of products and services. Over-burdened by the monotonous,recurring work process and strict compliance to meeting expected deliverables, they expect the decision-makers to enhance work atmosphere in the same spirit as glorifying customer experience. And that is how RPA eliminates the toiling, mundane work and prepare a platform for workers to take up more decisive roles in areas where Human Touch, Vigilance, Empathy and Creativity are indispensable.

However, don’t take my word for it before reading further!

Let’s begin with the RPA Effect on Employee Relationships

As the tedious, time-consuming, boring tasks are taken over by automation, organizations have unconfined intellectual capital and time for more human interaction. Rather than promoting individuals to work in isolation, the RPA embedded workplaces are providing more opportunities to engage with others and connect with like-minded people, which is crucial for information-gathering and experience-sharing. As per a survey conducted with 100 decision-makers at authoritative levels, 66% said that RPA reframed the existing work culture enabling workers to have effective communication among peer groups.

RPA nurtures Strategically Sensitive Approach to work

With abundant time and improvised tools at their disposal, employees have become more sensitive to the need for making a difference in customer experience. 60% people in the survey remarked that RPA directs employees towards meaningful, tactical tasks. As the number of employees proactively tapping their reservoirs of creativity and innovations increase, they are observed to change gears from conventional to strategic, unleashed and amazing approaches. The focus is no more on “We’ll give customers a good experience to make them happy”. This is rapidly being replaced by “We’ll give customers an unforgettable experience, so they’ll want more” that eventually helps in achieving organizational goals.

RPA intensifies Quality and Timely Delivery of products and services

Before automation took charge, organizations were paying off dollars and losing out on extensive work hours because of assembly line errors, defective products, inadequate services to name a few. A huge sum of money, time and energy was consumed into rectifying the flaws to normalize production. Reports state that RPA is known to cut down manual error by almost 57%. Complicated tasks have become doable and employees have become more responsive to working in error-free environment where quality and timely delivery are the bywords for operational excellence.

Are you wondering how RPA manages to cater to the desired changes?

Think about it as we are witnessing the convergence of People, Process and Technology conquering the panic behind job loss, work flow disruption and performance apprehension. A well thought-off and calculated RPA expansion plan not only improves process efficiency but also fosters employee experience. Let’s dive deep into the factors that aid RPA in keeping up with expectations.

Transformation in Cost-Effective scaling of business

The prudent model of business scaling is when your profits grow exponentially while the operating costs remain minimum and efficiency holds high. RPA shifts human-oriented process to a machine-driven process. Eventually it serves as a digitally-driven process masked by a machine-driven approach. And this is how the redundant human efforts are reduced and the workforce endeavor shifts focus to the creative aspects of growing.

Transforming the decision making in business

Business expansion emphasize mainly on the aspects of success-oriented decision making. RPA redefines decision making by switching from human decisions to machine learning algorithms. This in turn liberates human capital to cater to high-value, dominant and authentic obligations. While the RPA algorithm takes charge of machines, product cycles, inventory and technical aspects of any business, the workers can take care of critical issues around the vendors, customers and everyone along the supply chain.

Transition of Human Asset Management to Machine Learning Alternatives

Millions of employees are managing factories, machines, equipments, physical infrastructure and relay information to entitle decision making and reform management. But labor productivity gains have reduced significantly over the years. RPA enhances human efficiency by transitioning asset management from human capital to digital sensors responsible to process bulk data and communicate the outcome in real-time to human decision-makers in the organization. Machine learning algorithms have the capacity to understand process flow and make beneficial decisions without human intervention.

Are you ready to evaluate how effective can RPA be in the long run?

Humans react emotionally to major changes that impact their well-being. In order to avoid emotional resistance, organizations need to address their concerns around job security. Preparing for these psychological impact demands fragmented change management programs to be put in effect. Developing a repetitive change management approach from the beginning is critical to make sure that employees understand the ultimate reason, the process and the intent behind it.

All we need is well-designed change management programs, calculated implementation, effective communication and fruitful collaborations between the business and employees. With the surge in RPA execution, we are already on our way to fabricate a new era of digital work force and specialists. RPA revolves around the fact that we need to define how employees coexists with ‘bots’.

Can you imagine how great that feels? Think about it!

Organizations need to train workers by encouraging continued scrutiny followed by creative inventions and building workers’ skill set to adjust to automation. Also, operating computer-powered devices enable intellectual stimulation that results in employees feeling good about it. Hence human workers tend to have high levels of empathy and compassion as compared to the non-RPA era. 

The reason behind deployment of RPA should be effectively communicated to the workers, so that they can assess how RPA will benefit them as well as fit in business strategy. By coordinating the RPA program effectively, organizations can transform their work culture by enabling improved employee experience. With increasing RPA implementation in every sector of economy, we’re about to see new job categories coming into existence in the future.

For all these reasons, the decision-makers have declared that the favorable outcomes of RPA include-

1. Improved efficiency and employee engagement

2. Reduced manual efforts and potential errors

3. Better customer service

4. Glorified personal brand

5. Cost reduction by mitigating failures and refined data quality

If you think it’s nothing, think again!

In a nutshell, the most critical aspect of RPA taking control of the business process encircles the fact that- 

The machine is not replacing an employee rather it is empowering the employee to create better opportunities for themselves.

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